Soter RS software makes it easy

Each Soter RS comes with its own software that is written and optimized for this device. Any hidden objects are found within 10 seconds, regardless of what material it is made.

These very precise results are presented in the most easy way. The interface is simple but yet effective. We also added an alarm and lights when a suspicious item needs more attention. By making the detection process so easy, nothing can slip through.

The dream of any security personnel

Because of the easy way it works, your security personnel doesnt need much training before they can work with it. And there is little to no maintenance,so they can focus on their job. The machine works for you, and not the other way around.

Control in security

The Soter RS viewer software is password protected. Each operator gets its own password. The pictures made by the operator are stored in his/hers own directory. Each scan can be printed, archived, or burned on dvd. The files however can only be read by the Soter RS Viewer, which is password protected, for extra security.


We worked hard to reach the lowest level of maintenance as possible. It mainly consists out of keeping it clean with water and some soft soap and ensure the harddrive is not too full with saved files. Thats all.


The Soter RS X-ray system is very flexible, for all kinds of purposes. Settings can be changed, user accounts for personnel can be managed, archive settings are various. Depending on the size of the personnel and the quantity of people who have to be scanned daily we provide the tools that can optimize performance in every environment.